
Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs) Comparison

Since the time I graduated, there have been many new drugs for HCV treatment. Fortunately I can keep myself updated due to lots of prescriptions for Hep C treatment at my pharmacy. The important things to know about DAAs are the drug-drug interactions with other medications such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), H2 blockers, antacids, statins. For genotype 1, Zepatier is preferred because there are less interactions.

Here is a cheat sheet for me to remember:

Harvoni (sofosbuvir + ledipasvir): 
genotype 1, 4, 5, 6
Tx for 8 weeks
Epclusa (sofosbuvir + velpatasvir): 
genotype 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Tx for 12 weeks
Mavyret (glecaprevir + pibrentasvir):
genotype 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Tx for 8 weeks
Zepatier (grazoprevir + elbasvir):
genotype 1, 4
Tx for 12 weeks
Take with Harvoni after overnight fast on an empty stomach 4 hours separate from Epclusa No interactions No interactions
H2 Blockers
12  hours separate from Harvoni  12 hours separate from Epclusa No interactions No interactions
At least 4 hours separate from Harvoni At least 4 hours separate from Epclusa No interactions No interactions
– Avoid rosuvastatin

– OK with atorvastatin 20 mg, simvastatin 20 mg

OK with rosuvastatin 10 mg, atorvastatin 20 mg, simvastatin 20 mg

– Avoid simvastatin, atorvastatin

– OK with rosuvastatin 10 mg

OK with rosuvastatin 10 mg, atorvastatin 20 mg, simvastatin 20 mg
Do NOT take together
Strong CYP inducers (Oxcarbazepine, carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital), rifampin, amiodarone Strong CYP inducers, rifampin, amiodarone Strong CYP inducers, rifampin, dabigatran Strong CYP inducers, rifampin

Naming convention:

-previr: NS3/4A protease inhibitor

-asvir: NS5A phosphoprotein inhibitor in Hepatitis C RNA replication

-buvir: NS5B RNA polymerase inhibitor

(Courtesy of – Hepatitis C life cycle and DAAs’ targets)

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